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Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002 - 12:15 P.M.

Richard was released from hospital after 2 days, he is on blood thinner and glad to be home (hotel).

We will stay this week because after tax refunded the cost will be the same as leaving now. If you stay for 30 days, you are considered a "resident" so no tax. This is where we stayed:

Kingsgate Marriot Conference Hotel
513-487-3800 Marriot Conference Hotel Call the hotel directly to inquire. Ask for the Caring Network Rate for special rate for hospital patients or their families.

Lots of Dr. appt this week. I am recuperating as well. I am making myself rest which is not hard because I don't want to be all messed up later. My scars are not bad but my stomach is all stretched out from being inflated for the surgery.



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