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Monday, Oct. 21, 2002 - 4:17 P.M.

One Week to go! Richard and I had a full day of : iron drip at hospital for me , Dr. appointment for him,lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse and then home.

He is asleep now; I am so glad to have heard from several people who were donors; I have lots of questions. I hope you will share your experience with me.

Fear causes anger.
Anger can bring you strength.
The things that I am afraid of all bring me strength. That's why people hear what I've been through in my life and say "That's why you are such a strong person".
It used to confuse me, because I felt weak and scared inside. Now I see that because I'm here, because I continue to move forward, I'm actually a strong person.
There's great power in your fears. You just have to make sure the power is channeled into the positive and not the negative.



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