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Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002 - 3:51 P.M.

Thanks to my first reader! I will begin with a little bio:

ME, Anne: age 54

Husband,Richard: age 61

Dialysis: Since 6/2001

Diagnosed W/Kidney Failure: 1/2001

I was tested in March 2001 and was a 5/6 antigen match.

Richard has 8 sibs, none would test for him :(

I was so pissed and I have not gotten over it; nobody in that family will ever die from an overdose of Love. I hope we are on TV or something because the date of kidney transplant is also Richard's birthday! I look forward to them being exposed as snooty, scaredycats when their friends see us and call them to tell them. I know, I know, I should forgive and forget but I am a real bitch when it comes to holding a grudge. I never forget.

Anyway--Only 4 more dialysis treatments to go!

Thanks again and please everybody--you don't know me and I don't know you but any major sucking up to G_D on our behalf would be appreciated.



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