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Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003 - 9:49 A.M.

We just got back from Richard's blood lab work which has to be done early in the a.m. I have a dentist appointment at 1:40 and I am trying to keep from going into PANIC mode. Yes, I am a big dental phobic. My heart is racing as I write about it. I had a bazillion cavities as a child and the dentist filled even the ones in my baby teeth.

Of course this was back in the days of The Drill (and then I ended up having most of my permanent teeth capped ), now it is actually fast and painless but I still get anxious and make a fool of myself. Today is just a fill-in on one of my "crowns" but The Crown Princess is still getting shaky.

It's really funny how I did not have one bit of fear about having my kidney removed. I talked to several other donors who are also dental phobics. Hmmm, interesting and puzzling but I think there must be a bunch of guardian angels who spread their wings and shield us from the harsh reality that we as living donors are going in to the operating room well and coming out cut up and beat up so to speak. I remember wondering if people in heaven would be watching like from a balcony . I was hoping my Auntie Anne ( I am her namesake) and Anna Van Dyke from the dialysis clinic would be there. I hoped so. If they aren't in heaven, I don't want to go.

Lesson: It's all a matter of perspective.



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